.UA Domain Network Information Centre

home / about

Contact Information

.UA domain administration: [email protected]
Postal address:

   domain-master at nic.net.ua
   c/o Hostmaster Ltd.
   P.O.Box 89
   Kiev-136, 04136

Non-English Documents

Some of documents are in non-ASCII encodings; you need appropriate fonts and software to read them. For additional information, please refer to official koi8-u site and Andrey Chernov's koi8-r page. Sorry if you do not know the language; we are working on translation.


Hosting and support service provided by Hostmaster Ltd. and kolo.net

Thanks to Lucky Net for providing hardware and personal support in the past.

Thanks to generous staff at CS/Monolit Information Center for originally hosting this site since very beginning.

Additional contributions are welcome and would help us to continue our services on a free-for-anyone basis; please write to webmaster. Hardware donations, web designers, and software engineers, as well as financial contributions, are welcome. Thank you.

About nic.net.ua

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Comments and suggestions on this page content and layout are very welcome by NIC webmaster, address webmaster at nic dot net dot ua. Please do not use this address for any domain administration or delegation questions.

All text and images on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners, unless noted otherwise.
Please attribute when quoting or inlcuding any content.